Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oath Complete and more

 I didn't do any WIP pictures of these really. I was also really lazy and did most of these within the last week.
 Not much effort behind these. I really just wanted to finish, since they are the last of my Ariadna minis, and I'll probably revisit them later.
 Colors are all over the place. I was going for a dual purpose in case of different marks of chaos, and sort of piecemeal armor look, but it just looks jumbled.
 I tried to do a little glow on the orby bit of this guy's pistol. Didn't turn out too well.
 This glowy bit turned out better.
 And here is all my Ariadna stuff. Done, unless I finish chopping together a couple Traktor Muls.
 Just over half done with my Haqqislam. Doctor, Sniper, and Yuan Yuans left to go.
 And about a third of the way done with my Aleph. Proxied and kitbashed from old I-Kore stuff mostly, I have a bunch of Devas and Devabots to go, mostly.
I'll probably do these for next month's oath. Maybe. Great quality counterfeit forgeworld stuff.

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