Sunday, May 19, 2013

Orks for Sale

I'm selling my Ork Army - mostly stuff oathed 3 or so years ago.

Alternate Universe Oath... Complete?

So, this year, you can oath a thing that if you fail it doesn't count, and you don't get points for it but you get entered in a special prize thing. So I got some terrain to paint from a friend and did one of those.
There is also a speed painting bonus point thing, so I did that:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May Oath Complete

Sparkle on this gun, and less so on others, is picked up bad by the camera and isn't as noticeable on the actual thing.

Paints used, from left to right: Vallejo Model Color Lime Green, VMC US Dark Green, VMC Natural Steel, Vallejo Game Color Elf Skintone, VMC Beige Red, VMC Gloss Black, VMC Foundation White, VMC London Grey, VMC Neutral Grey, P3 Cygnar Base Blue, Liquitex Matte Medium, Liquitex Gloss Varnish, Citadel Badab Black, Citadel Khemri Brown

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Work in Progress

Halfway through the first month, things are coming along nicely (pics are straight off the camera, so don't expect color balance or anything):

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Back in the saddle again

Its that time again!

Now it’s time for the first month’s Detektuv’s Jurnal!

1. Firz ting da do was ‘av another drink. Me bottle of Mad Ork ‘ad spilled out on da floor so I opened me desk and fumbled about for a half-empty bottle of Fungus. Wiv a couple of dozen shots in me I could look around for me trusty stubba.

2. Me gun made a krunchin sound as I slid in me clip. Not a good sign. Dis was a gun wot surved me since my yoof days, fightin' for Mork or Gork out dere in da desert. Sum dayz I nevver 'ad ta use my weapon... Da uvvers were much more fun.

3. Last, I put me 'at on me 'ead. Dis was one part of da kostume dat was not negotiable. Full ov 'oles, dis 'at were my lucky charm froo all dose years of gangbangin' for Gork or Mork. Def'nitely not leaving 'ome without it.

Time to get movin. Da klient was likely not da most patient of wimmin...

We’re starting it off simple to get people warmed up! All you have to do this month is to take at least 3 Work In Progress pictures over the course of painting your oathed model. The pictures have to be of the actual model you oathed. Timestamps are not required.

There is no opportunity this month to do a different Detektuv’s Jurnal - that opens up next month! 

Remember that each judge will give a single extra point to someone who’s properly completed each month’s Detektuv’s Jurnal and done the best job with it - so this is an ideal opportunity to start getting a lead in the points!

I, Dagon, Oath "Bergil," "Hassle," "Freak," and "Demon" from Hasslefree miniatures.

Thanks for autofocusing on the box, camera. Hope this counts.